Trademark Registration

Trademark your Brand Name, Logo, Slogan, Tagline and Get Ownership Rights

Trademarking your business is the first step to establishing a successful brand. Registering your brand, logo, products/services, tagline and slogan will help you protect your intangible assets from infringement while enhancing your business value.

Let us handle all the formalities while you work your way towards business growth. We strive to protect your intellectual property from infringement and unlawful usage through our team of highly experienced and licensed trademark attorneys and lawyers. Don’t put your business at risk, get your trademark registered today.

Our Workflow

Zoom Trademark has a streamlined work process for trademark application. A dedicated team committed to securing your identity and safeguarding your business.


Research the uniqueness of your brand and check whether the brand is available for trademark or not. Identify your brand’s strengths and safeguard your identity.


Once you’ve done adequate research, we’ll fulfil all the formalities and submit your application with the USPTO for filing a trademark. Start the filing process at $39 today.

Registration and Enforcements

Once you are onboard with successful trademark registration, regularly monitor the trademark for any infringements while taking necessary actions to enforce your rights.


To ensure long-term protection and validity, regularly maintain your trademark and make sure to renew it at the end of the specified period. Our team of professionals help you at every step.

What comprises a successful trademark?

Trademark is not just an only a business name it also has different forms such as slogan, logo, picture, design or can be combination of these all. For a trademark to be acceptable and not led to consumer confusion it should not be comparable to other trademark. Then it is acceptable for a trademark to use the same wording as another mark.

Making sure the mark is as follows is all that is required:

  • Simple to pronounce, spell, and remember
  • A newly created or coined word
  • In light of market research, a really unique term.
By trademark class, what do you mean?

To represent trademarks, they are divided into 45 separate categories of all types services and goods by trademark registry. That way brand will represent and specify the kinds of goods or services whether they fall under one or several groups. Clicking on the link will take you to a list of all Trademark Classes.

Choose your plan

We accomodate a variety of different payment options. You can book a free meeting to learn more.

Started At


  • Case Review
  • Case Preparation
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
Started At


  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • Direct Hit Search
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
  • 100% Approval Guarantee
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (Federal & State)
  • 24 Hrs. Expedited Service

Our Client Say
About US

With Zoom Trademark, we have registered many trademarks for our various businesses, and they have always performed admirably. I'm glad they've been here from the beginning.

Josef Fallesen

In order to register our trademark with the USPTO, we contacted Zoom Trademark. We weren't let down by them. The entire process was quick and painless. received our trademark on schedule.

Oliver Henry

We have always count on on Zoom Trademark to help us register our works with the USCO. They have always delivered and I am grateful for it.

Evelyn Grace

Without delay, the very skilled team at Zoom Trademark submitted our artist's project for USCO registration. They didn't let us down at all.

Miriam Casey

The best decision we've ever made was to hire Zoom Trademark to assist us in selecting the ideal formation strategy for our small business.

Ethel Olson

We received a variety of formation alternatives from the Zoom Trademark team, which helped our new company get off to a successful start. I have no words to adequately express my gratitude to them.

Alex Cary

Ready. Get set. Get Yourself Trademarked

Get copyright and trademark protection for your brand by registering with us right away!

Get a Trademark